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Baby Abarta 2024

In early September, our world changed when we discovered that we were expecting a baby. It all began with three pregnancy tests, and the confirmation came through an ultrasound, revealing that our baby girl was already eight weeks along. To Anna's relief, she didn't experience any morning sickness or other common pregnancy signs, aside from fatigue, which she attributed to a busy summer of work.

Since the moment we learned about Baby Abarta, our emotions have been on an exciting rollercoaster—excitement, nervousness, anxiety, pure joy, you name it! We've had some truly remarkable moments along the way:


  1. The unforgettable day when we found out we were having a girl (check out the video).

  2.  Sharing the news with our family in person (although we now wish we had captured their priceless reactions on video).

  3.  Announcing our joyous news to friends through phone calls, Facetime, and even during our memorable trip to Mexico with a group of 20 friends.

  4. Taking a well-deserved baby-moon to Kauai to celebrate and explore the island, while Anna could still comfortably hike.

5. Currently, we're relishing our time at home, taking leisurely walks, and cherishing the moments we get to spend with all of you.


We'll keep you posted on this page as we journey into the third trimester. Our baby girl is due on April 15th, which is actually Anna's Dad's birthday!
For those of you who have expressed interest in our Baby Registry, you can find it here.

Thank you for sharing in our excitement and journey!

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